I thought I got lucky a van came at once. I was thinking there won’t be any vehicle to ride on.
But as I ride the van, the driver immediately told me we will try to go through Bacoor but not sure if we can pass through it.
The van has radio on so he can monitor the situation. We have reached St. Dominic Hospital in Bacoor but that was it; he could no longer move further. He asked all the passengers to get off since there was no way he's letting the van cross the almost waist-high flood. He apologized to all the passengers and gave the money back.
I decided I will just go home. I may have gotten the work, but definitely not on time, and I am not sure there would be transportation available for me when I come back home.
I reached home and just watched the news. There were lots of people affected by flood and many had died. While writing this many people are still stuck on the roof of their houses and needed to be rescued.
I was supposed to post this entry last Sunday, but the internet connection was also down.
Here are some pictures that I saw while browsing the net.

I hope that those who are able to help will help. God bless us all.