I worked at McDonalds as a service crew for three years. I was a working student when I was in College. After I graduated from College, I thought it was time for me to move on and stop being a crew. I was asked to be transfered to a bigger store (mine was just a satellite store - a small store) so I'll get to know all the products that we have. But, I asked to be moved to a different department. I wanted to be a part of the "Star" team - the marketing team of McDo. These are the people who handle the parties held in Mcdo. But, before I can be trained to host a party, I have already decided to resign.
I transfered to Jollibee as a Manager. And, during the first three months operation of our Store in Jollibee PRC, I was assigned to handle the "Smart" team. Now, that is the marketing team of Jollibee.
As a Manager, my duty was to make sure our marketing is okay and that all birthday parties held in our store were funfilled. It was my job to make sure the host was okay, the foods great, etc.
Memories of the past came back to me last Sunday. We attended the 7th birthday party of our friend's daughter. Her name's Keanna. We were there before the party started. I was looking after my children when my husband told me the Clown/Host backed out and they do not have someone to host the party.They thought, I could do the job.
I was really nervous and I never wanted to it, but I couldn't afford to see the disappointment on the kids faces. They were there and they were expecting for a party! No, I wouldn't let them down!
It was my first time to host a party and I thank God because it was a success (for me!).
During the party, I couldn't help but reminisce the times when I used to be a part of the "Star" and the "Smart" teams. I could envision myself wearing our uniform. I could have been a good Smart Assistant! LOL. ;)