Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Aklan Comprehensive Teachers Training

I am very glad to have attended the 3-day seminar conducted by the United States Peace Corps Volunteers.

I am relatively new to teaching and I have so much to learn. This seminar has helped me learn some things that are essential to teach effectively.

They have about twenty sessions but due to time restraint a participant can only attend ten sessions.

I have chosen these topics:

1. Learner Centered - were taught about Multiple Intelligence and the importance of knowing every kind of intelligence to better adjust the teaching strategies based on the kind of intelligence the students have.

2. Teaching Pronunciation - pronunciation of different words where tackled and it's also good because some of the teachers where able to ask the Volunteers the pronunciation of some common words in English that are pronounced incorrectly most of the time.

3. Class Room Management - rewards and punishment. Proper Reinforcement was also discussed.

4. Productive Discussion - things to know on how to be an effective facilitator. We were also taught how to control a discussion.

5. Writing English Communication - we were taught more on proofreading and clarity of letters or communications that we do.

6. Alternative Assessment - they taught about the importance of using Alternative Assessment as opposed to the conventional or traditional way of assessments being used.

7. Filipinism - words, clauses or phrases in English that only Filipinos can understand.

8. Critical Thinking I & II - about Bloom's Taxonomy.

9. HIV/AIDS - things we have to know about HIV/AIDS.

Other sessions that I wasn't able to attend includes Creative Writing, Excel, Differential, Remedial Reading, Solid Waste Management and some more.

The event was participated by more than 400 teachers Primary and Secondary Levels both Public and Private Schools.

The seminar was effective in itself. But, the real challenge is for the teachers who attended the seminar to practice what we have learned.