A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.
Charles Darwin
Playing with your kids, hearing their stories, spending time talking with a dear friend, walking in the park, jogging, playing badminton, strolling, visiting a library or a bookstore to get a good book, chatting with a love one or an old friend, talking over the phone with my children, eating out. These are just some of the things that I do with my time and I valued them most.
What others may view as a waste of time could be the reasons for others to live a happy life.
I am supporting the I Commit to Change Movement in Facebook. And, I am committing my self to change the way I use my time. For the past weeks, I have noticed that I have not been using my time well and I know I have got to change. I am committing myself to value every second that I have been privileged to have.
Good Luck in your commitment Melody :) it is not easy an easy task to do, because we often get distracted by mediocre activities that seem fun but is actually very irrelevant and time consuming :) I hope you become successful in being able to manage your time well for the more important things in life :)