Friday, July 16, 2010

A dot

I was the center of attention inside the house. My housemates are teasing me because I have a zit! Well, it's just normal for me to have a zit every now and then (especially if it's about time for my monthly period), but this one is different. I have a zit in between my eyebrows. I actually find it cute though.

My zit looks like a Bindi(from Sanskrit bindu, meaning "a drop, small particle, dot") is a forehead) from afar.

I am not really too conscious about my face. But I remember an instance when I got a zit in my chin. It was there at the wrong time I guess, because I was to attend a reunion that day.

It was an Alumni Homecoming from my High School. I saw one of the faculty members from my Elementary School. I was surprised to know that we came from the same High School so I approached her. I introduced myself. She said she couldn't remember me and then I told her I was never really her student. And, then she said "Oh, yeah, I remember now. I recognized the mole on your chin!". I nodded and I just smiled.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I Commit to Change

A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.
Charles Darwin

Playing with your kids, hearing their stories, spending time talking with a dear friend, walking in the park, jogging, playing badminton, strolling, visiting a library or a bookstore to get a good book, chatting with a love one or an old friend, talking over the phone with my children, eating out. These are just some of the things that I do with my time and I valued them most.

What others may view as a waste of time could be the reasons for others to live a happy life.

I am supporting the I Commit to Change Movement in Facebook. And, I am committing my self to change the way I use my time. For the past weeks, I have noticed that I have not been using my time well and I know I have got to change. I am committing myself to value every second that I have been privileged to have.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blog with Substance Award

I was speechless. The feeling was exhilarating. It was more than winning a beauty contest.

I was very happy to hear that Ma'am Carmen Araneta of The Living Grace informed me that I was one of the recipient of Blog with Substance Award. Thank you so much.

I have received a few awards for this blog when I started blogging but to be honest, it's really an honor to know that my blog will be viewed as a Blog of Substance.

I am accepting this award with all of my heart and here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank the blogger who awarded it to you.
2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five (5)words. example: WRITE HEART PEOPLE LIVE HAPPY
3. Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance.

My blogging Philosophy focused on GOD, FAMILY, FRIENDSHIP, VALUES, STORY.

I am passing this awards to the following blogs that have inspired me and encouraged me to continue to learn and to grow not just in the world of blogging but to life itself.

Kudus to the following blogs. To one of my favorite blogs who really showed substance, The Brown Raise, to a very loving and passionate sister in Christ, Sunny, the very cuddly and cute Mommy Amor, to a very Fashionista and an expecting Mom, Mommy Phebie, Mommy Eds,a very simple woman yet to be admired, B & J, an inspiring woman and wife, Mommy Chris, and Mommy Jen.

I am hoping these blogs will continue to inspire other bloggers and stay to be a blog of real substance.