Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21

It was a long weekend again. Today was declared holiday due to the celebration of the end of Ramadan. On the other hand this day also marked the 37th year when Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law (1972-1981)in the Philippines.

It was on September 21, 1972 when Martial Law, also known as Proclamation 1081, was allegedly declared to protect the country from the threat of a Communist Insurgency. Before the declaration, Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile was supposed to be ambushed by these communists. But after he withdrew his loyalty from the Marcoses, he admitted that his own men showered bullets on his empty car.

Many of today’s generation are no longer aware of the things that happened then. I myself, was not born yet when it was proclaimed.

From the stories that I’ve heard, from the books that I have read, from documentaries that I have watched I wish that my kids can no longer experience those times.


  1. Martial Law is indeed one of the darkest period in our nation's history and I hope we will never get to experience it again.

  2. May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! Keep it up Nice blog.
