Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Perfect Wife

Ephesians 5:21-5:33

Being submissive to my husband has always been my problem since I got married. I know that I should submit to my husband since this is what the Lord commanded me as a wife.

I have a strong personality and I am stubborn. Sean does not want any conflict so he would often times just give in to my wishes.

Sean and I had a very interesting past. We worked at the same company and he was my subordinate before which makes it harder for me to submit.

But I love Christ and I know that it is wrong for me to continue disobeying His commands. And I also love my husband.

I have been praying about it. I read and reread Ephesians 5 to remind me every now and then that this is the will of the Lord.

God’s ways are perfect. I believe that He allowed me to find the Wives’ Biblical Submission online. I am still on the process of practicing the things that I am learning in that study. Little by little I know I will be able to learn to submit with all of my heart.

I love my husband and I know that God will equip me to become the wife that He wants me to become. God is not yet finished with me. I will not give up for I know that God will not give up on me too.


  1. Welcome to the study. I'm going to add you to my blogroll and begin praying for you, dear sister. I believe God is greatly at work throught this study to bring about a miraculous change in our country through the "submitted" lives of His daughters!!

    God bless you as you join this pilgramage...and know that you are not alone while you go!

  2. Hello precious sister Melody!

    Yes, as long as you commit to die to self and live fully only in Christ, you will see change in your heart first, then submitting will be much easier.

    Remember, we're submitting to our husbands first and foremost out of our desperate and grateful love for Jesus, who gave up everything to save our souls.

    If Christ who is God, is willing to suffer for our sakes, I think it is not too much for Him to ask us to submit to another equal sinner. :-)

    Having eternal perspective and keeping it in all situations helps.

    Also, one of the best things to do is read every Scripture verse in the study, take time to meditate on each verse and journal how God is teaching you through each verse. And also be sure to keep up with your memory verses. When we hide God's word in our hearts, we are better able to obey Him. :-)

    Bless you dear sister,

  3. Dear Melody,
    (I have a sister who shares your lovely name.)
    Isn’t it amazing that Jesus came here and lived among us sinful people? What submission!
    It is so good of Him to understand how difficult it is for us.
    Proverbs 3:34
    Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly.
    God gives us His infinite love, mercy, and favor to help be submissive.
    It really helps me when I think that my job is to protect my husband’s heart, as Sunny told us. Just the though of how I have not done that makes me cry. My husband is a gentle man, but I have caused him to yell at me. I thought he was terrible for that, now I realize it was because I was terrible.
    Poor man; he does not need that stress on his heart.
    God will surely bless you as you seek His face.
    Love from a fellow sister.
