Monday, October 27, 2008

A Wife's Bibilical Submission

I am relatively new to blogging. I am really not concern much about earning from blogging though I have heard that it really pays well.

What I just want is a venue where I can write about everything under the sun.

While I was blog hopping I came across a blog about Chistian Women Online and I was eager to join them at once.

I am so glad because they are having Bible study online and they are now studying Proverbs 31:10-31.

I am calling other Christian Moms to join. Click here to join us.

1 comment:

  1. Great Melody. I found this site as well, more than 2 weeks ago.

    I will buy a handy notebook esp for that study. I haven't done so, but I will soon.

    See you in our study.

    Have a beautiful day to you.

    In His Grace,
